The 37th New Mexico Pageant of Bands Marching Competition was held October 22, 2016 at Wilson Stadium. There were 1,795 students from 27 bands entered and about 2,500 tickets were sold to the public who enjoyed the music and pageantry in almost perfect weather.
2016 POB Band Entries
2016 POB Band Programs
2016 POB Performance Schedule
2016 POB Judges
POB 2016 Results
*Overall Percussion: Manzano High School Royal Guard
2016 POB Spirit of Band Award: Del Norte High School Phantom Knight Marching Band
2016 POB Pictures
Pictures from the 2016 Pageant of Bands are available in the Zachary Nunez Gallery. Zachary is a photography student at West Mesa and a member of the Mustang Marching Band. Thanks Zachery!
Thank You Sponsors!
The 2016 New Mexico Pageant of Bands Outstanding Section Awards were presented to one band in each class for the following categories, Brass, Percussion, Woodwinds, Soloist, Drum Major, Colorguard, and People’s Choice. We’d like to thank Baum’s Music for sponsoring our Outstanding Brass Section Awards, Arsenal Drum and Bugle Corp for sponsoring our Outstanding Drum Major Awards, Bill and Christine Drotning for sponsoring our Outstanding Percussion Awards, and Jan and Jerry Cross for sponsoring our People’s Choice Awards. Would you or your company be interested in sponsoring one of the remaining awards? Please visit our Sponsorship page.