2018 POB

The 39th New Mexico Pageant of Bands Marching Competition was held on Saturday, October 20, 2018 at Wilson Stadium in Albuquerque.

2018 POB Results

*Overall Percussion: Manzano High School
2018 POB Spirit of Band Award: Sandia High School

2018 POB Pictures

DSC_0479Rebeca Zimmerman, Highland High School Photography and Journalism educator, photographs and edits on field photos of each fall’s POB. Some of her students also assist with these on field photographs. Thank you so much! See the 2018 POB Photo Gallery

Thank You Supporters!

New Mexico Pageant of Bands Outstanding Section Awards are presented to one band in each class for the following categories, Brass, Percussion, Woodwinds, Soloist, Drum Major, Colorguard, and People’s Choice. We’d like to thank Baum’s Music for underwriting our Outstanding Brass Section Awards, Arsenal Drum and Bugle Corp for our 2018 Outstanding Drum Major Awards, Bill and Christine Drotning for our Outstanding Percussion Awards, Jerald and Janet Cross for the People’s Choice Awards, Mauger Estate Bed and Breakfast for the Outstanding Soloist Awards. Melissa Robinson – SCENTSY for our Outstanding Woodwinds Awards, and Angela Franco-Roden – Shear Beauty Salon for underwriting our Colorguard Awards.  Special thanks to the New Mexico National Guard for underwriting our Participation and Class Awards! For more information, visit our Underwriting page.