Please Note: The people serving you and your band are volunteers. We ask that you follow their directions at all times. We are guests of Manzano High School up until you enter the stadium. Please do not abuse this privilege. We have access to the interior Manzano ONLY to use the rest rooms and in case of inclement weather, a shelter for your staff & students.
- Check-in:
- Band Directors (or their representative) will register at the Director’s check-in no more than 25 minutes but at least 15 minutes before their scheduled warm-up time (Refer to the enclosed performance schedule and map for times and locations of director’s check-in). Director’s check-in is located at the west side of Manzano HS and is accessed from Lomas Blvd. This is where your band will exit their buses. Please be aware that this area is very congested, and the volunteers are here for the safety of your students. Please make sure students are exiting vehicles next to the sidewalk.
- Program changes should be given to POB staff at Director’s check-in.
- All vehicles, except school buses must have the vehicle placard to enter the director’s check-in area. All vehicles must leave this area. There is no parking here. You may print out as many vehicle placards as you need.
- Warm-up and equipment placement:
- Bands will wait outside the gate area at the warm-up field until directed to enter the warm-up area. Most of the day there will be 2 bands in the warm-up area. Please be courteous to the other band.
- Please exit the warm up area promptly at your designated time. You will be given a ten (10) minute and five (5) minute warning (Please refer to the enclosed time schedule). You must be leaving the warm-up area and heading to the stadium by the end of your warm-up period to give your band sufficient travel time to the stadium.
- NO CADENCE MAY BE PLAYED ON THE WAY FROM THE WARM UP FIELD TO THE PERFORMANCE FIELD. Penalties may be incurred if cadence is heard by the judges or the Pageant staff during this time.
- Buses and trucks will be directed to the equipment unloading area. Entrance is off of Chelwood located east of the stadium. Equipment may be placed at the far south end of the playing field before your performance time. Pageant staff at the gate will permit the entry at the appropriate times. Please be courteous to all other bands at all times.
- Performance:
- Any customized scripts or special introductions must be given by a member of your band.
- Drum taps may be played to enter the field once the previous band has exited and your band has been allowed to enter the field by the Pageant staff. Cadence may be played to exit the field until the last person is off.
- Field entrance and exit may be made from any point on the field. The band proper and band front units will be permitted to stage on the field. The band may conclude its performance at any point on or off the field and exit over any boundary line.
- Bands will be allowed a warm up prior to performance in the stadium. It is included in your 15 minutes.
- Band will have 15 minutes to set up, perform, and exit the field. This includes all equipment set up, starting line warm-up, exit cadence, and equipment removal. The timed area begins when your first member crosses onto the green grass and ends when all are off the grass.
- Bands will perform a minimum of six minutes and a maximum of twelve minutes. Timing will begin on the first note of music or percussion sound following the announcer saying “Name of your Band YOU MAY TAKE THE FIELD FOR COMPETITION.” Timing penalties may be incurred outside of the time parameters.
- A section in the top three rows of the west stands will be cordoned off for the Directors and their staff. It is at the south end of the press boxes.
- Only Pageant Photographers will be allowed on the field.
- Flag violations/Dropped equipment will not be penalized but may be noted by the judges.
- The band is to exit the field to the north and follow their escorts to the photography area. Picture session should take no longer than 15 minutes.
- After your photo session, the band should proceed to the East stands. Professional courtesy should be extended to the other bands at all times. Band members may sit on the west side of the stadium space permitting, however they must move promptly to the east side when asked to do so by Pageant Staff.
- Finale and trophy presentations:
- There will be bands in review for the presentation of awards. Your position is shown on the page, Final March On Line Up.
- Your band will line up in single file with the drum majors first followed by your color guard and the band to march in. As your band enters between their designated yard lines, they may spread out. Band Directors will assemble in the trophy area.
- Each class will be awarded first, second, and third place trophies, as well as awards for outstanding woodwinds, percussion, soloists, drum majors, and color guard. Numerical scores will not be announced.
- General Information:
- Band Director’s are instructed to stay on the track in front of the west bleachers where a Pageant of Bands Volunteer will deliver your scoring information.
- Pageant Representatives will be located throughout the stadium and at every Pageant check station. They all have cell phones if needed.
- There will be medical personnel available during the entire competition. They will be stationed at the northwest corner inside the stadium If medical attention is needed, please locate or contact the nearest Pageant Volunteer.
- If there are any questions at all, do not hesitate to ask the nearest Pageant Volunteer. They will contact the nearest Board member and get an answer for you. Pageant Headquarters will be located near the west ticket office.
- Please note: DECA again will be doing the concessions at this years Pageant. DECA has a limited menu and all bands should come prepared.
- To give POB time to notify adjudicators, please notify POB by October 9 if you have special needs students with your band that judges should be aware of. POB would like all school students to be able to participate in band. Music may be used by any student performing, as needed.
- APS Athletics does not allow sunflower seeds with shells, peanuts with shells, etc. at field level. The shells are destructive to the turf.
- APS Athletics has a policy that prohibits the use of motorized vehicles within the stadium when it is open to the public.
- All members of the competing units must wear full soled footwear during the entire performance.
Please remind your students to eat, drink, and not lock their knees during the finale. Albuquerque afternoons can be very warm and we want them to be as safe as possible. THANK YOU!!
All bands must adhere to POB safety guidelines received in director’s packet or oral instructions given by New Mexico Pageant of Bands representatives. Failure to adhere to the instructions may result in your band’s disqualification from awards. Your band will be able to perform for comments only. POB does not anticipate having to disqualify any band this year or in the future for this reason.