We encourage parents to be involved with their school band programs and with the New Mexico Pageant of Bands (POB). As a POB Band Parent you truly will get more out of the experience then you put in. Some of the activities you can do include:
Band Booster Ads
Work with your Band Booster Organization to purchase an ad in the POB Program. The POB offers a special rate to Band Booster Organizations or Band Directors for a full-page ad in the POB Program for you to promote your band. For more information and to order, visit our POB Band Booster Advertisement page.
Volunteer to help out on the day of the Pageant.
Running a Marching Band competition of this magnitude takes hundreds of volunteers. Each POB Member Band is required to supply a certain number of volunteers based on the size of the band. Volunteers are assigned a shift, but don’t worry about missing your band. Your assigned shift will not conflict with your band’s performance. Let your POB Band Rep know you are willing to volunteer.
Encourage family, friends and neighbors to attend the Pageant.
As you well know, the band students, directors and staff have put in an incredible level of effort to compete in this Pageant. Please help show your support and appreciation by filling the stands! Invite family, friends and neighbors to attend. They will enjoy the experience.
Follow Marching Band Contest Etiquette
An important component of any marching band competition is the audience. Please support all the bands, applauding and cheering regardless of which band is on the field. Watch the whole show, be positive and please don’t enter or leave the stadium while a band is performing. See our Marching Band Contest Etiquette page.
Attend the Morning Performances
The smaller Class A and AA bands perform in the morning, some of which are from out-of-town and have traveled hours before the competition. These bands, though smaller, have put in as much effort in their performance as the large bands, but they are understandably disheartened to gaze upon an empty stadium. Please make an attempt to watch all the programs. You will enjoy it!
Purchase a POB Program and Merchandise
The Pageant of Bands Program will be available for purchase at the competition. It provides an informative guide to the competition with information on each band and their group picture from last year. It’s still only $5. Your business can also advertise in the POB Program. For more information see our POB Program Booklet Advertisement page. The POB will also be selling pins, patches, t-shirts and various official Pageant of Bands merchandise both prior and during the competition. Also, many items sold at past New Mexico Pageant of Bands competitions are available for on-line ordering. You can use PayPal or just a credit card. Visit the POB Store.
Consider volunteering to be a POB Band Representative
Each POB Member Band must supply representatives to serve on the Pageant of Bands Organizing Committee. They meet monthly throughout the year, except the summer, but more frequently in the Fall. Each school has an assigned responsibility during the Pageant and the Band Reps manage that responsibility area. For more information see the POB Band Rep pages.