- Meeting attendance is required for POB to run smoothly and keep everyone informed of new updates each month. Each school is entitled to one excused absence per year, with that request made in advance of the meeting. The request is to be submitted to the POB Secretary and President. Email notification is preferred.
- Allocation of funds distributed to your school is based on your school’s attendance at both meetings and the required number of volunteers checked in on Pageant day for your school. See allocation break down below.
- Meetings are currently at Heights Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 8600 Academy Blvd. NE. Meeting location is subject to change. When there is a change, the school reps are notified in advance. Meetings are held once a month except August, September and October when there will typically be 2 or 3 meetings in the month. Currently no meetings are held in June, July and December.
- Please see the NM POB Bylaws regarding POB representative membership. The membership information from the bylaws can be found on the NMPOB website, www.nmpob.org.
- Please be sure to sign in each meeting. This is important to record your and your school’s attendance.
- During the week prior to Pageant, usually Wednesday, there is a “walk-through” held at the stadium, earlier in the evening than the normal meeting time (typically 5:00 pm). Reps are expected to attend this meeting. Attendance will be taken.
- Each school gets 2 votes for discussion items that require votes. It is strongly encouraged that each school have a minimum of 2 representatives for the school. However, if you have more than 2 representatives, only 2 votes will be allowed. Having 2 representatives from your school assists in assuring that there is a representative from your school at each meeting. If only 1 representative is in attendance, your school will only receive 1 vote.
- You are to be fully aware of what your school’s responsibilities are. We hope that your previous rep has made a smooth transition for you, if you need any assistance, ask.
- You are expected to be at POB for the entire day of the competition. You are to “go to” people for the area of your school’s responsibilities to run POB. The day begins at approximately 5:30 am and runs until approximately 6:00 pm.
- Each school is responsible for finding volunteers that will work on the Pageant Day. Currently 1 volunteer is required for each 4 students submitted on the entry form by your director. Volunteers must be of high school age or older.
- Each school will have an opportunity to sell tickets in advance of the event at a discounted price to your individual school community. Money for these tickets and the unsold tickets are due at the time of the walk-through, or earlier as instructed.
- Pins and patches will be available for checkout prior to POB. Monies or pins/patches must be returned on or before the POB walk-through, or as instructed.
- On the day of POB, breakfast and lunch will be provided at the stadium for you.
- Distribution of funds to POB member schools is based 40% on attendance at POB meetings and 60% on assigned volunteer participation at POB.
- POB meeting attendance requires at least one representative attend each scheduled meeting. A POB executive board member from your school can count towards your school’s attendance if a representative is unable to attend. Each school is entitled to 1 excused absence. Please notify the secretary and president by email if you are unable to attend prior to the meeting, if possible.
- Volunteer participation is based on the percentage of your volunteers showing up and working their assigned shift. Currently, 1 volunteer is required for every 4 students (or portion thereof) entered by your director on the entry form.
- Schools with 18 volunteers or less, generally Class 1A , 2A & 3A, the 25% of fund structure based on attendance at POB is as follows:
75% or more→100% of the 60% allocation
50-75%→75% of the 60% allocation
<50%→50% of the 60% allocation - Schools with 19 volunteers or more, generally Class 4A & 5A, the 25% of fund structure based on attendance at POB is as follows:
90% or more→100% of the 60% allocation
75-90%→75% of the 60% allocation
50-75%→50% of the 60% allocation
<50% →50% of the 60% allocation
New Mexico Pageant of Bands Membership Information
Thank you for volunteering for POB. This is a volunteer run organization. Without you, POB would cease to exist. You are the best of the best, willing to give much of your time, talent and treasurer to the running of this event. As members, you agree to attend meetings throughout the year. We know that this is quite a commitment on you, and there are times that you are unable to attend meetings. The New Mexico Pageant of Bands Bylaws has more information on membership, but one point we want you to be aware of is found in Article Two, H. “Resignation….Members missing six (6) consecutive meetings will be assumed to have provided a de facto resignation.” Fortunately, this rarely occurs.